Product transactions carried out through the e-marketplace are subject to Portuguese legislation and are governed by the following conditions:

Purchase and sale

1. The Products are presented on the Website with a description that allows the Buyer to know their essential characteristics and their price;

2. The Buyer selects the Product(s) they wish to purchase;

3. The Buyer confirms their choice of Product(s) and takes cognisance of and accepts these Terms and Conditions by clicking on the validation button;

4. The Buyer receives an email confirming acceptance of their order. However, the purchase and sale contract concluded between the Buyer and is subject to the resolutive condition of the availability of the Product.

5. The website undertakes to confirm and/or inform the Buyer of the availability of the Product(s) ordered within a maximum period of 24 hours from receipt of the information provided for in paragraph 4) above.

6. If the same Product is ordered by several Buyers at the same time, and depending on the availability of this Product, it will be sold to the first Buyer who registers and pays for their order. The order submitted by the other Buyers will be cancelled;

7. Once the order has been validated or signed by, a communication will be sent to the Buyer (email, SMS or other) to inform them of the dispatch or cancellation of the order;

8. In the absence of confirmation of the availability of the Product(s) within the period provided for in point 5) above, the contract concluded between the Buyer and is automatically cancelled and each of the Parties is released from its obligations. However, only the contract relating to the sale of the unavailable Product(s) is covered by this cancellation.

9. In the event of confirmation of the availability of all or part of the Products ordered by the Buyer, said Products shall be dispatched by

10. The Buyer must confirm:

1. Receipt of the Product(s),

2. Conformity of the product(s) (conformity of the product means that it corresponds to what was ordered)

3. Product status (corresponding to the description on the Website at the time of purchase) in "My Account". In the absence of confirmation, the Product shall be deemed to have been received in conformity and in good condition within 21 (twenty-one) days from the date of dispatch. This Clause is without prejudice to the provisions of Decree-Law no. 67/2003, of 08.04 as amended by Decree-Law no. 84/2008, of 21.05.

Price and Payment

1. The purchase price of the Product is determined by the Seller. The price is indicated in euros with all taxes and duties included in the description sheet, but excluding delivery costs, which are added before the order is validated.

2. offers the option of payment by bank transfer or over the counter.

Shipping methods and costs

1. will make various delivery methods available to the Buyer, to be defined according to the Products.

2. The delivery method, deadlines and costs will be chosen by the Buyer at the time of purchase.

3. The General Conditions for the Provision of Distribution Services contracted by for shipping purposes will be available at all times on

Right of withdrawal

1. Under the terms of the legislation in force, the Buyer has a period of 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of the Product(s) ordered to exercise, with, their right of withdrawal without payment of compensation and without the need to state the reason.

2. If the right of withdrawal is exercised within the aforementioned period, only the price of the Product(s) purchased and the shipping costs will be refunded. The Buyer shall be responsible for the return costs.

3. The Product(s) must be returned in their original condition and complete (packaging, accessories, instruction manual, etc.) packaged in the same way as when dispatched, within 30 (thirty) days of receipt.

4. The Buyer exercises their right of withdrawal directly with by email or by going to the shop in person.

5. The refund of returned products will be made by to the Buyer as soon as possible and within 14 (fourteen) days of exercising the right of withdrawal.

Obligations of the seller

1. The Website undertakes to comply with the legislation to which it is subject in its professional capacity in relation to the Products it sells on the Website, including the legislation relating to the guarantee of consumer goods

2. The Website undertakes to make every effort to fulfil its obligations to the best of its ability by providing a quality service to Buyers

3. The site undertakes and guarantees that it will only sell Products of which it is the owner or over which it has rights enabling it to sell them. guarantees that the Products do not violate current legislation or applicable regulations, whether mandatory or not, and that they do not jeopardise the rights of third parties, including intellectual and industrial property and/or copyright. Accordingly, undertakes in particular not to sell any Product that constitutes a counterfeit work under the terms of the Code of Copyright and Related Rights or any Product whose commercialisation is regulated by legislative, regulatory or contractual provisions (in particular by virtue of the existence of a selective distribution network).

Jurisdiction to settle consumer disputes

1. In the event of a consumer dispute, defined in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 144/2015, of 8 September, the consumer may have recourse to the competent alternative consumer dispute resolution body.

2. Without prejudice to the provisions of the legislation, statutes and regulations to which the alternative dispute resolution bodies are bound, the consumer may opt for the European online dispute resolution platform available at, the alternative dispute resolution body for consumer disputes in the place of their domicile or the alternative dispute resolution body with specialised competence, if it exists for the sector in question. You can consult the up-to-date list of all the alternative consumer resolution organisations available at

3. If there are no alternative dispute resolution body(ies) under the terms of the previous paragraph, or the existing one(s) do not consider themselves competent due to the value of the dispute, the consumer can turn to the National Centre for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes, located in Lisbon, with the email address: and available at